Gift Art
Both bunny and jiang-shi go hop hop hop so this makes total sense actually I was gonna go full traditional jiang-shi attire but I feel like that just wouldn't look as cute as having a tummy window and poofy pants so...
Gift Art
Both bunny and jiang-shi go hop hop hop so this makes total sense actually I was gonna go full traditional jiang-shi attire but I feel like that just wouldn't look as cute as having a tummy window and poofy pants so...
I made this kind of at the height of the whole thing with Hurricane Milton, partly because I was desperately concerned with the safety of a few folk I know there because they are infinitely kind and loving and are a radiant beacon of cuteness and positivity. But I also
Sometimes I just get really thoughtful about my own appearance irl and just casually pull off the entire veil I keep as an internet persona and just... I dunno. I guess this is somewhat self appreciation? In a way? I dunno. But sometimes it just feels... right. I don'
Gift Art
A bunch of gift art I made for some folks over on Cohost just before the site winds up being Read-Only until the end of the year. It's a little bittersweet, but I'd rather let my last couple art pieces I uploaded there be ones being
Posting ancient art to test out posting.