Little Sentimental Moments

This is becoming like... kind of a nightly thing now. Like some kind of daily diary.

Anyways, so every so often I get to delight myself in the joy of seeing someone play one of my most favorite games of all time in real time and it's always like... some kind of major delight for me. Seeing people overcome the adversity and Attain Enlightenment in ZeroRanger, the heartwrenching story that bewitched me in Void Stranger, the vast an esoteric feelings adjacent to my time spent with Junko, or the twisted and fascinating atmosphere in Super Junkoid...

These four games have really more or less consumed my entire soul this past year and some change. Seeing anyone even pick them up throws me into some kind of enchanted delirium, just knowing that these games grt to be seen by another individual. Part of me really wants to temper my expectations, as often the trap is to expect others to feel the same things you did or experience them the way you did, when in truth that should never be sought. But I can't help but still feel so excited. I want to know how they make them feel, I want to know if something sparks joy, just... knowing what their experience is in general.

Maybe some day I'll go into detail on each of these games and what I love about them (except Junko since I kinda jave a dedicated page for that), but like... I'm not sure. Something compels me deeply to encourage people to give them a chance. Even if the genres are normally not their thing. I think I have a fondness moreso when ZeroRanger and Junko are specifically played. Maybe it's because I've bored a hole directly into my brain with both of those games, chasing 1ccs and just unique ways to complete the game in the case of Junko...

I hope if you read this that you'll give those games a chance. And if you do that you tell me everything. Even if you didn't get what I got out of it, I just... need to know. I need to feed off of it for the sentimentality. The deep seated love welling in my heart..

I got to see someone get to the end of ZeroRanger today. I was so happy to see them buckle at the last moment of the point of no return and still feeling determined to try again despite the crushing defeat. It makes me so so so happy.